All Workouts Under 30 Mins

All Workouts Under 30 Mins

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All Workouts Under 30 Mins
  • Life is a Ceremony Slow Flow Mat Workout

    A full-body, slow flow, mat workout to help you ground, anchor into your deep core, and surrender to the ceremony of your life. Equipment: ankle weights optional

  • Deep Tone: Independent Woman - Upper Body & Core Weighted Workout

    Feel the burn with this standing upper body and core workout set to some classic early 2000's jams. Equipment: Light dumb bells.

  • Slay the Day Dance Cardio & Lower Body Body-Weight Workout

    Embody your confidence & get ready to slay the day with this sassy & uplifting dance workout. Includes some squats and lunges for a lower body burn. Ends with a standing meditation to align with your higher self.

  • Deep Tone: Grounded Strength - Full Body Mat Weighted Workout

    A full-body mat workout, with lots of core work, that's great for when you are tired & want to lay on your back, or anytime you need extra centering & grounding. Starts with a somatic warm-up and ends with an orienting meditation. Equipment: Dumb bells (heavy weight optional)

  • Decide to be Happy Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to remember that everything is always working out for you & to support you in deciding to choose happiness. Equipment: dumbells

  • Belly Dance Deep Core Activation Body-Weight Workout

    A deep core, body-weight workout to tone, activate, and slim the waistline and wake up your kundalini energy. Equipment: chair

  • Self Forgiveness Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to release self judgement, shine a healing light on our addictions & self betrayal, and offer ourselves presence, forgiveness & self responsibility. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells

  • Lower Body Burn Slider Workout

    A challenging body-weight slider workout to lengthen & tone, and offer yourself healing energy, and acknowledge yourself for how far you've come. Equipment: sliders

  • Total Body Hip Hop Dance Party Body-Weight Workout

    A challenging dance cardio, body-weight workout to let go of old energy & cultivate safety, connection and empowerment within. Equipment: none (weights optional).

  • I Believe in ME - Dance Cardio Body-Weight Workout

    A body-weight, dance fitness workout for embodying your inner hype girl, and creating the inner safety & pump to make your dreams come true. Equipment: none

  • Willpower Core Activation Body-Weight Workout

    A challenging body-weight core & willpower activation for anchoring into your commitment to make the changes that you need to make. Equipment: yoga block

  • Affirmation Interval Training Weighted Workout

    A challenging weighted workout of 60 second intervals & high vibe songs with empowering affirmations (& no instruction). Moves transition at the beep. Equipment: dumbells

  • Cardio Dance Party Body-Weight Workout

    A juicy body-weight dance workout to get your heart rate elevated and amplify your sexy & sacred feminine energy. Equipment: none

  • I Belong to Life - Kid Friendly Body-Weight Workout

    A beginner-friendly breathwork meditation & body-weight workout, to reconnect you to the fabric of life that you belong to. Suitable for all ages & abilities. Perfect for the moments when you can't seem to get alone time. Equipment: none

  • Queen B Core Body-Weight Workout

    A challenging body-weight core workout to activate your inner strength & embodied truth and awaken your inner Queen. Equipment: none

  • I AM Connected Core Body-Weight Workout

    A challenging core workout to strengthen & lengthen your core muscles, challenge your balance and reconnect you to the deepest part of yourself. Great for moments when you catch yourself fawning & need to come home to yourself. Equipment: none

  • Sacred Balance Morning Movement Body-Weight Workout

    A body-weight morning movement flow with somatics, dance, and eft to support you in balancing your masculine & feminine energy in order to achieve & receive all that your heart desires. Equipment: none

  • Antidepressant Body-Weight Workout

    A body-weight workout to honor your grief & heaviness as well as uplift your energy and embody your light. Equipment: none

  • Deep Core Activation Gentle Flow Body-Weght Workout

    A gentle flow to connect to the deeper layer of your core and build mind body connection and efficient mechanics in all body movements. Foundational for all beginners and great repetition for higher levels as well as useful when anxiety or fawning is present.

  • Gentle Strength & Free Body Flow

    A gentle standing body-weight workout, to anchor deeply into your body, build mind-body connection, open your heart & shoulders and create freedom and flow in your animal body.

  • Clear Negative Energy Body-Weight Workout

    A body-weight workout to help you release negative (other's people's) energy from your body-mind, reconnect to your unique essence and to reclaim your power to protect your energy & choose your vibration. Equipment: chair (optional)

  • Deep Tone: Full Body Standing Flow - Fierce Focus

    Dig deep, let go of lethargy & fire up your fierce, warrior-like focus that you can then put towards your goals, with this standing, full body, deep tone workout. Equipment: Chair & optional: 1-1.5 lb ankle weights

  • Deep Tone: Standing Core & Upper Body

    Feel the burn & build muscle in this challenging deep toning standing core & upper body class. No warm up, no cool down... just getting down and dirty with the deep burn. Use this class when you're short on time, or add it on, when you have the capacity to go a little deeper. No equipment need...

  • Deep Tone: Booty & Core Workout

    Feel the burn & build muscle in this challenging deep toning core & booty class. No warm up, no cool down... just getting down and dirty with the deep burn. Use this class when you're short on time, or add it on, when you have the capacity to go a little deeper. No equipment needed. Optional E...