Antidepressant Body-Weight Workout
All Workouts Under 30 Mins
A body-weight workout to honor your grief & heaviness as well as uplift your energy and embody your light. Equipment: none
Up Next in All Workouts Under 30 Mins
Deep Core Activation Gentle Flow Body...
A gentle flow to connect to the deeper layer of your core and build mind body connection and efficient mechanics in all body movements. Foundational for all beginners and great repetition for higher levels as well as useful when anxiety or fawning is present.
Gentle Strength & Free Body Flow
A gentle standing body-weight workout, to anchor deeply into your body, build mind-body connection, open your heart & shoulders and create freedom and flow in your animal body.
Clear Negative Energy Body-Weight Wor...
A body-weight workout to help you release negative (other's people's) energy from your body-mind, reconnect to your unique essence and to reclaim your power to protect your energy & choose your vibration. Equipment: chair (optional)