Workouts that Start Lying Down

Workouts that Start Lying Down

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Workouts that Start Lying Down
  • Life is a Ceremony Slow Flow Mat Workout

    A full-body, slow flow, mat workout to help you ground, anchor into your deep core, and surrender to the ceremony of your life. Equipment: ankle weights optional

  • Upgrading My Frequency Weighted Workout

    A workout to release what's not serving & upgrade our frequency to trust, worthiness, peace, and alignment. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumb bells

  • Self Forgiveness Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to release self judgement, shine a healing light on our addictions & self betrayal, and offer ourselves presence, forgiveness & self responsibility. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells

  • Devotion & Boundaries

    A weighted workout to find the balance point between living a life of devotion and honoring yourself & your boundaries. These things aren't mutually exclusive, but support one another. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumb bells, loop band

  • From Shame to Sovereignty Live Replay Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to release shame & self-judgement and to remember your true power as a sovereign co-creator of your life. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells

  • Body Blessing Live Replay Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to heal your past relationship with your body, embrace and honor your body as it is & for all it has offered you, and empower your future relationship with your body as it transforms over time. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells & optional loop band

  • Live Your Medicine Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to own your hero's journey, transform your challenges into power, and live your medicine. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells & a wall

  • Self Worth Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to reclaim the value of who you truly are as a healer, lover, empath, medicine woman and midwife to a New Earth. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbbells

  • Let Me Be Medicine Live Replay Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to release resistance & surrender to what is, to what your body is feeling, and to what your body, heart, and soul is needing. Great for when you're not at 100%, and want to feel better. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbbells

  • Emotional Mastery Live Replay Weighted Workout

    A challenging, weighted workout & somatic practice to track the sensations of your physical body, release shame, and ride the wave of your emotional human experience with more grace & ease. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells

  • Open to Grace Live Replay Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to release fear & resistance, love yourself NOW, and open to the beauty & grace of life. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells

  • Raise the Vibe Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to deepen into your human embodiment & raise your vibration higher to channel more divine love, creativity & power into this world. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells

  • I am WHOLE Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout to reclaim and love all part of yourself and integrate your darkness with your light. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells

  • Open to Bliss Weighted Workout

    A weighted workout for practicing presence, releasing armor, opening up to sensation & receiving pleasure. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells