Life is a Ceremony Slow Flow Mat Workout
Workouts that Start Lying Down
A full-body, slow flow, mat workout to help you ground, anchor into your deep core, and surrender to the ceremony of your life. Equipment: ankle weights optional
Up Next in Workouts that Start Lying Down
Upgrading My Frequency Weighted Workout
A workout to release what's not serving & upgrade our frequency to trust, worthiness, peace, and alignment. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumb bells
Self Forgiveness Weighted Workout
A weighted workout to release self judgement, shine a healing light on our addictions & self betrayal, and offer ourselves presence, forgiveness & self responsibility. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumbells
Devotion & Boundaries
A weighted workout to find the balance point between living a life of devotion and honoring yourself & your boundaries. These things aren't mutually exclusive, but support one another. Starts lying down. Equipment: dumb bells, loop band